What Exactly is a Persimmon?
If you’re wondering whether a persimmon is some type of tomato or if it’s even a fruit or a vegetable, let me tell you that the most I know is it’s a fruit that grows and is consumed widely in Mediterranean climates during the winter, although it’s also consumed widely in Asia, too.
Hachiya Persimmon Fruit
As Mediterranean blooded as I am, I have never tried a single persimmon.
I see them all the time in the stores here in Chicago during the winter (like now) and to be honest, the main reason I never buy them is because I tend to compare the taste of a lot of Mediterranean foods bought here with the same taste as I’ve experienced in Italy, Spain, Morocco and California— and most of the time nothing even comes close to that type of freshness. I don’t want to ruin my taste buds or experience with something that will disappoint.
Well, this year I am giving these a try regardless. They look beautiful and I know that I need to let them soften a bit before doing anything with them so I’m going to do just that and then get back to you with the results.
For now, I’ll wait and see…and conjure up some recipe ideas. Persimmon jam, perhaps?
Have you ever tried persimmons?
How would you describe them?
How do you suggest eating them best?
I had never tried one when I was living back home in the States, the first time was after moving to PK with my DH. They are called humlog in Urdu, and our family just eats them as is. Some eat them with the skin, some don’t like it and leave it on the side. I kind of like them but it took a bit to get used to it!
Asalam Alikom, I found various links on this fruit, I have tried it just by eating, and quite liked the taste…here are some recipes for example: http://allrecipes.com/recipes/fruits-and-vegetables/fruits/persimmons/
Also saw this on the Net, as to how to cut, the differences between the two types of persimmons etc…http://www.wikihow.com/Eat-a-Persimmon
InshaALLAH this is of some help to you.
i loooove them! i always wait for them to come in season and then go to the korean store and buy a bunch! i just eat them as is but you have to b careful not to bite into a bad one bc your tongue gets this odd itchy sensation which lasts for hours…
In arabic they are called Kaka. The main reason I refused to eat them when I was younger, lol!
When very ripe they are a light, sweet, yet subtle. I eat it without the skin and I can’t explain the taste very well other than it reminds me of a plum/date flavor.
I think a jam would be a marvelous. I have a friend’s mother who makes a persimmon pudding that is quite tasty as well.
We just cut it and eat as is. Its yummy without any cooking..
They are really delicious, but they have to be ripe before u can eat it or else u get a starchy taste in the mouth .I never tried it as a jam ,but i guess its worth giving a try and u probably can do it the same way as any other jam.I read they are very heart healthy.
i have only consumed it as a fruit. They are usually sooo very sweet and i look at it as a safe sugar fix. also very satisfying. in South Africa they are also prominent during autumn and throughout winter. please share your creativity when any recipes do develop