Quick Coffee Tip
I love freshly ground coffee and since I do it myself without any type of grinder attachment to a coffee maker, it does take an extra few minutes and effort to get out the separate grinder, grind the coffee beans (which is loud, especially in the morning) and then deal with measuring and pouring the coffee, plus cleaning up the mess which almost always ensues all over the counter top because I’m not quite awake when I’m in need of my favorite morning beverage.
If you love freshly ground coffee beans just as much as I do, why not take a little time at the beginning of the week to grind a whole bunch then keep it in a tightly-sealed container for easy prep every morning? It seems like such a small task, but it’s one that saves me a few precious moments in the morning, that I really wanted to share it with you.
Got any quick tips related to the morning routine that you’d like to share?
Good tip and curious what you use to grind your coffee?
@Sharifah- thanks. I use a small spice grinder (aka coffee grinder). They can be found at most stores that sell small appliances (i.e. Macy’s, Bed Bath & Beyond, etc.)
One cool tip my mom taught me is in order to get rid of stubborn grease or a stubborn smell off your hands, it helps to put a little flour and water in your hands and rub them together.