
Oven-Roasted Acorn Squash Seeds

Acorn Squash and Spaghetti Squash have smaller seeds than the larger butternut squash and the more popular orange pumkins associated with this time of year.

I love acorn squash seeds because the tiny and soft inner green seed is very tasty, however, they do require a bit of patience to prepare and eat these smaller-than-bite-size snacks.

Oven-Roasted Squash Seeds

Making soup all year-round is something I love to do. My favorites are those vegetable soups from the fall squash varieties, so roasting seeds usually happens at at the time of making soup, just as in my Apple & Acorn Squash Soup recipe. Kitchen efficiency is always a good thing, right?


  1. Cut squash in half using a large butcher knife or cleaver. Scoop out seeds from the belly of the halved squash.
  2. Do not rinse with water (this helps them to roast a lot nicer, in my opinion). Instead, separate the seeds from one another, removing all of the stringy material tying them together.

*If you must rinse them, the best way to separate the seeds is to soak them in water for a few minutes and separate by hand. Just remember to dry them very well before placing them in the oven.

  1. On a parchment-lined cookie sheet, spread the seeds out. Sprinkle with kosher or sea salt and drizzle with olive oil.
  2. Bake at 325° for 20-30 minutes or at 350° for 10 min. or as soon as they begin to brown.
  3. To enjoy, pop the seeds in your mouth and remove the inner green seed with your teeth. Discard the tougher outer skin.

What a tasty, healthy and economical snack for you and your family!

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  2. I have not been here in ages, I do not have you on my new blog to come back to!
    Anyway I love this recipe , I could chew for ours on seed like these!

  3. I was wondering why you don’t rinse the seeds in water? And do you have to shell them to eat them? or can you eat them whole? Thanks!

    1. @Laura: the reason I don’t rinse them is because it’s unncessary work- the seeds aren’t dirty or anything, they just have some of the flesh from the squash so I remove that. You don’t shell them before eating because they are very small seeds and are very slippery until roasted. Then, just pop ’em in your mouth and let your teeth do the shelling!

  4. I just made these for the first time. My husband and I LOVED THEM! I roasted them at 350 for 10min and they came out crispy and tasty. I ate them in the shell, which made for a nice roasted salty nutty popcorn flavor. When I eat pumpkin seeds I eat the shell also and in comparison these shells are thinner and came out very crispy. I will never throw my acorn squash seeds out again!

  5. I have been throwing out the seeds for years not knowing the seeds were edible. So I roasted them following your directions and they were perfect. I insisted my teenagers to try them and they really like it. We ate the shell and all. It was crispy and tasty. This would also be good snack mixed with dried fruit, raisins, nuts, etc. Loved it.

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