Homemade Microwave Popcorn

I recently heard that it was possible to make microwaved popcorn without buying bags of pre-seasoned, ready-to-pop-into-the-microwave popcorn in a bag. It sounded so much healthier to be able to put whatever I want into my bag so that I know exactly what we’re eating, but also not as messy as heating oil in a pan and covering it to wait for popped corn, which takes a while longer. I would do that versus buying bagged microwave corn, but now that I’ve discovered this method, I’m hooked!
I had no idea how to actually make it, but after experimenting a bit, it came out just wonderful. It was such a surprise of a treat on a cold winter night when all I wanted to do was to plop down on the couch, nestled under my mom’s hand-crocheted blankets and crunch away. Next time I’ll get a movie to go along with it…
How will you cozy up to a homemade snack like this?
1/3 cup dry kernels of corn (for popcorn)
Other dried seasonings (optional)
1/3 stick of butter, melted
1/4 teaspoon chili powder (optional)
Pour the corn kernels in the paper bag then add the salt and dried seasonings, if using them.
Fold the paper bag a couple of times, but not so far down that it won’t leave enough space for the bag to expand when the lovely kernels become popped corn!
Depending on the type of microwave, the popping time could be anywhere from two minutes and thirty seconds up to three minutes. Keep a close eye for the smell and the amount of pops—once the popping slows down, it is closer to being finished. Too much time in between and it could easily mean it’s about to burn. Once you smell the burning, it’s hard not to taste that ‘burnt’ taste throughout the whole bag.
Remove the bag from the microwave and leave it closed for about a half a minute. Meanwhile, melt the butter for about thirty seconds. Add the chili powder and mix into the butter with a spoon.
Open up the bag of popcorn and place into a serving dish. Pour the butter over top and serve immediately (for best results)!
Alternatively, you can add melted ghee to the popcorn, which is even more delicious.
I couldn’t believe that you just put kernels without oil in a bag and microwave it. This was super easy to do. It came out light and fluffy. This is a great healthy snack.
New to the web but think that its great.
I usually use a Popcorn Maker or a Stuff in all in a hot pot and wait for the popping as well.
I might try your way though.
@Tayyib- yep, it’s pretty easy. Hard not to try it out!
Wow!! I never knew you could make your own popcorn in the microwave! My mom would always make it on the stovetop. My son absolutely loves popcorn…can’t wait to try this. Thx for sharing!
@Asiya- Yeah, it’s pretty incredible, isn’t it?
hi i’m for israel and love your site.. great stuf.
Thank you for visiting and your comment– glad to have you!
oh my gosh!!! Thank you for sharing mujer! Lo voy a tratar en mi apartamento and see how it comes out
Holly, thanks for your excited response! I particularly love that it is in Spanglish, lol. You’re awesome, masha’allah 🙂
MashaAllah I’m the one who thinks you’re awesome around here!! =)
BTW My lack of attention to detail always gets me agravated here because I keep missing the captcha and have to re enter everything!
@Holly- sorry about that, Holly 🙁 It does that to me sometimes, too, especially when I’m tired!
Why d you use the chilli? First time I’ve heard that..am i missing something? How much sugar would be required for that amount of kernels and I didn’t get the butter step… Sorry for sounding dumb
Ooh, I can’t wait to try this!
I’m really starting to look at food labels more than ever before and not just to make sure they don’t contain pork and/or by-products of.
Thank you, Yvonne, for yet again another great way to continue having healthy choices in our daily diet.
When you say fresh corn kernals, do you mean fresh from the cob? Or the dry corn kernals used for stove top popping? Jzk
I’m wondering the same thing. Thx for asking this Q!
Me too. Fresh kernels as in?
what is brown lunch bag? is it brown paper bag?
ur a fuck