Dates with Labneh & California Honey
One thing I love to do in Ramadan is to experiment with super simple ways to serve dates for Iftar. This one was inspired by…
One thing I love to do in Ramadan is to experiment with super simple ways to serve dates for Iftar. This one was inspired by…
There are so many date companies to choose from, but I tend towards those that I have a deep familiarity with and can really understand…
When I visited the Specialty Foods Show in Las Vegas back in February, I was able to see so many cool products coming out on…
I recently wrote an article for Costco Connection UK Magazine’s For Your Table section about dates, which was published earlier this month, just in time…
Because it’s a Sunnah to break one’s fast with dates (something that Prophet Muhammed, peace be upon him, used to do), almost all Muslims will follow suit out…
If you came up with a list of the most essential ingredients to have on hand during Ramadan, what would they be? Year after year,…
You might notice that I love the combination of spinach and strawberries, but it’s because it’s a really great one. I know in a drink…
I’m working with IFANCA (Islamic Food and Nutrition Council of America) on their upcoming Halal and Healthy workshops around the Chicagoland area where I’ll be…
I’ve heard all sorts of people say that they’ve never felt better after drinking ‘green’ smoothies- with lots of green veggies like celery, spinach, kale,…
It takes a lot for me to find things I really love. I’m not only picky about what comes into my home, but I’ve come to a…
During Ramadan, we all love our dates so much and typically lean towards the Medjool and Deglet Noor variety. Barhi dates such as those shown…
If you live anywhere in California or nearby, you’ve probably heard of date milkshakes and the pretty well-known stands at farms and orchards who sell…
I recently posted a recipe for Moroccan Goat Stew which is fabulously delicious and can certainly be served over rice or even with just bread.…
Our latest guest post is by Nadia Hubbi, Founder & CEO of Sweet Pillar & Co. Her chocolate-covered dates captured me so much that I…
Dates are also the perfect baking fruit- they freeze well, they don’t make your baking products soggy and they add just the right about of…
I’ve taken an unexpected break from blogging, partially by choice and partially not. I’ve been developing and testing recipes for cooking demos I plan to do at…
Before beginning, allow me to extend a warm Ramadan Mubarak! (Ramadan Greetings) to all the readers of My Halal Kitchen. Thank you for your generosity and…