
Sweet Potato Soup

Why is it that sweet potatoes only get love during Thanksgiving around here? They’re such a healthy food to incorporate into one’s diet and you can make so much more with them than just candied sweet potatoes as a side dish. 

Those who know me know how much I love a good bowl of soup- and that I like to turn a lot of great vegetables into purees in order to eat them as a soup. It’s no different than with sweet potatoes. Yes, it takes time to peel the skin off of their non-uniform surfaces, but so what? A little peeling can be seen as kitchen therapy, if you take it that way. That could be considered a practice in mindful eating, for real. 


To make this soup, it’s super easy. Just follow the directions below and if you want to freeze it, be aware that because it has dairy in it, you may want to be sure to consume it in under three months time. If you’re vegan you could try a coconut creamer instead of the milk- and coconut and sweet potatoes go very well together in taste so that should be nice, too. 

To get some of the best flavor from the broth while you’re also in a hurry, use the high quality and super convenient Classic Culinary Vegetable Broth by Saffron Road in this recipe. It can be found in many grocery stores in the organic food section, but also online. Check out their store locator for more details on a store near you who carries it. 


Sweet Potato Soup
Serves 4
Prep Time
30 min
Cook Time
25 min
Total Time
55 min
Prep Time
30 min
Cook Time
25 min
Total Time
55 min
  1. Butter
  2. Olive Oil
  3. Salt
  4. Freshly ground black pepper
  5. 5 Sweet Potatoes
  6. 1 small yellow onion
  7. 5 cloves garlic
  8. 1 pint Saffron Road Vegetable Broth
  9. 2 tablespoons sour cream
  10. 1/4 cup whole milk
  1. Peel and boil the sweet potatoes until completely softened, stir.
Yvonne Maffei https://myhalalkitchen.com/

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  1. Thanks for sharing this…my husband is carrying ranadan. It would be nice to prepare halal dishes for my husband

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