
Strawberry Lemonade

Lemonade is the quintessential summer time drink in America, isn’t it? I absolutely love it and it will always remind me of my childhood days when I had my own lemonade stand outside of my house where I grew up. I set up a small table with my mom’s pitcher full of lemonade made from Country Time® lemonade packets, paper cups and napkins for every customer. Each cup was a quarter and my best customer was always our regular postman. Do kids still do this today?

full ingredients

Nowadays I don’t care for lemonade out of a packet, at most restaurants or from a bottle bought at the store. It is so super easy to make at home, but you just need to be patient about preparing a lot of lemons, of course. 

ingredients for strawberry lemonade

As well as fresh mint.

fresh mint

To use lemons, you can add strawberries and make strawberry lemonade, like I made here.

ingredients from top

What I do during this project of a recipe is to save all the lemon peels and dry them. They are so wonderful dried because you can use add them to hot boiling water to make tea or add them to soups and stews. You can even candy them, if you like.

lemon peels and lime zest

To make the lemonade, add ice to a blender first. That’s sort of the rule of thumb when blending- get the iciest or frozen things at the bottom so the blades can start breaking those down first. If they’re on top, it’s nearly impossible for the blades and can actually ruin the motor of your blender if it works too hard like that.

add ice to blender

 Then add frozen strawberries, or fresh if that’s what you have. 

add strawberry 

Next, some cane sugar. I don’t like sweet drinks, so I go easy on the sugar but you can always add more if you prefer it sweeter.

add sugar 

sugar in

Next some cool water.

all in blender         

squeezing lemon

Now squeeze all those lemons. I like to use my handy citrus press that I got from a local Mexican store. 


Next, blend it all up in the blender for about 30 seconds to a minute and it’ll froth like this. But that will settle. strawberry lemonade

Just pour into serving pitcher or glasses directly.


Then add a sprig of fresh mint to flavor it even more. 




  That’s it- just a refreshing taste of summer every time. 


Strawberry Lemonade
Serves 4
Refreshing and light, use everything that's fresh this summer and drink it up in this delicious and healthy beverage.
Cook Time
5 min
Total Time
10 min
Cook Time
5 min
Total Time
10 min
  1. 1 cup ice
  2. 1 cup frozen strawberries
  3. 1 cup fresh lemon juice (from about five large lemons)
  4. 2 cups water
  5. 2 tablespoons raw cane sugar
  6. Fresh mint, for garnish
  1. To a large blender, place the ice and frozen strawberries first (this makes it easier for the blades to chop).
  2. Add the remaining ingredients and blend on high for about one minute or until the mixture is thoroughly combined and the strawberries are fully chopped and smooth.
  3. Pour into a large pitcher or individual glasses, garnishing with sprigs of fresh mint.
  4. Keep cold if serving at a later time.
  1. *Cook* time in this recipe is really the time it takes to blend and serve.
Yvonne Maffei https://myhalalkitchen.com/

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  1. I absolutely LOVe the way you write these blogs they’re greate help for when I need to structure my blogposts for recipes. I Love the quality of you photos and the way you make the captions with the photos really short but below the recipe is in detail. Thank you XXX

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