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For posting your question, submitting an article or checking out other visitor's question and answer please register.
Assalaamu aleikum! I wanted to print the Ramadan and Eid al Fitr templates, but it seems it’s not working. I cannot find them. Help please, since Ramadan (Alhamdolillah) is just around the corner.
JazzakAllahu Kheyran for this great site , which I actually found last week, mashAllaah.
Assalamualaikum Yvonne, I believed I won the Eid cards kit , JazakAllah khayr, but did not receive any message until Sis Hafsa contacted me through FB. Please kindly advise.
@ummatiyaah and @andiniG- please let me know if your queries have not been resolved and send an email through the contact page (
Assalamualaikom sis Yvonne,
Are all American cheese halal and healthy to consume, what do you say?? Which brand is it?? Thank you
wasalaam Silvia, not all cheeses in general are halal. Please visit The Cheese Page I created to explain and let me know if you have any other questions. Thanks!
Asalam Alaikom Miss Yvonne ,
I am just wondering if it is allowed for me or us Muslims to eat from the food ooked by non muslims but it is beef which they used. Becaus emost of my flat mates they are cooking and they give me food but in my heart I feel akward because the pots which they used are already used for cooking pork meats. I just feel shy to tell them that i refuse to take the food or eat the food because it is not halalor because of the casseroles or pots they used.