
Pakistani Dundicut Peppers

Pakistani Dundicuts Halal Pantry Item My Halal Kitchen

I was pleasantly surprised to find these dried hot peppers at Penzey’s Spices in Cleveland near the famed West Side Market. I had never seen or heard of them before but was intrigued by their origin and the fact that they looked very much like many of the dried Mexican hot peppers I commonly find in the grocery markets all over Chicago.

Pakistani Dundicutts | My Halal Kitchen Pantry

You can crush, grind or reconstitute these peppers with water and add them to soups, stews, meats or wherever you enjoy a whole lot of extra kick in your food.

Have you ever tried them before? Which dishes have you added them to?

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  1. Hi. (I know I’m replying to a 5 year old post. I just stumbled across it) I bought a bag of dried dundicut peppers at a local Middle Eastern market about 10 years ago. The peppers had a good flavor (I used them mostly to spice-up pickles) so I planted some of the seeds to see what I got.

    The plants grew well and produced a lot of peppers. I just ate them fresh; mostly while still green. They have a *lot* of seeds, but the seeds are not bitter. Once the seeds get hard, I imagine they can be obnoxious for fresh-eating but I don’t remember. I think the dried pods would be good ground-up with dried ancho peppers and cumin for making Mexican chili powder.

    I gave some of the plants to my parents down in Texas, and my dad gave some peppers they grew to his cardiologist who is Indian. He recognized them and was excited to get them 🙂

    Even tho’ I liked them, I didn’t like them enough to keep growing them after a couple of years. (my garden is small and there are other peppers I like better, so these never made it back into the rotation) I may try them again someday if I can find dried pods again.

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