My Interview with the CEO of Maya Cosmetics about Halal Nail Polish
Over the years, the question of “Halal” nail polish has been a point of intense conversation in the Halal consumer community and not without controversy. For those who may not know, there are two issues that stand out with nail polish in this context:
- Just like any food or other consumable or cosmetic, whether it’s contents/ingredients and everything related to its packaging is actually Halal; and
- Because for a Muslim, water should cover certain areas of the body (nails included) during the ablution (ritual cleansing before prayer), most commercial nail polish is not allowed because its chemical makeup blocks the space between water and the surface of the nail. This is not the case with something natural and plant-based like henna, which is why one might often see women having orangish-colored nails, without question.
In this video, CEO of Maya Cosmetics, Javed Younis, explains what they have done at their company to ensure that water does reach the surface of the nail and that all ingredients in all of their products (men’s beard care included) are completely Halal.
They are certified by IDCP for being wudu-friendly, as approved by the scholars there.
They are also certified by IFANCA for their ingredients and manufacturing processes and have recently gone through an extensive audit by IFANCA to ensure that everything they offer to the public is permissible for the Halal consumer.
Maya Cosmetics are available in over 100 US retailers and in over 30 countries worldwide. Interestingly, they have recently signed the Climate Pledge to ensure that the ingredients in their supply chain follow sustainable climate standards, the first Muslim-owned company to do so. Please leave comments about the interview on the YouTube channel below.
To purchase Maya Cosmetics products, go to their website at: or click on the Maya products below.