My Favorite Products for Nurturing Winter Skin

Dry winter skin is the worst and after living much of my life in cold climates, I would think that it would be pretty easy to find products that help- I mean, really help to moisturize and nurture my super-sensitive skin. Add on to the fact that I’m always on the lookout for products that don’t contain animal ingredients, chemicals, synthetics or any harsh substances and the list of things I can or want to use really dwindles.
This winter I’ve been fortunate enough to learn about a couple of products that are incredibly helpful- one was right under my nose the whole time. Check them out and be sure to share some of your favorites, too, by commenting.
My Favorite Products for Nurturing Winter Skin
1) Let’s start off with a great exfoliator to get rid of all the dead and dry skin that accumulates all winter long. It makes moisturizing a lot easier and more effective. I found this really cool Terracotta Foot Scrubber from India at World Market for just $2.99- what a great bargain for an all-natural tool to rub off dead skin. It’s also anything but a new invention- my mom always had one at home when I was growing up.
Terra Cotta Foot Scrubber from India
After exfoliating, it’s important to put some moisture back into the skin…
2) Argan Oil is becoming such a popular oil for both cooking and cosmetic use, particularly for the treatment of dry hair and scalp. Moroccans, however, have been using it for centuries to heal dry skin and protect it from the sun. It’s important to note, however, that cosmetic grade argan oil cannot be used for cooking. I particularly love the 100% pure argan oil by Saadia Organics both because of the quality and the story behind how it came to market (details below the picture). I’m using it on my face and hands and just love the smell, which to me is almost fruity. All the excess on my hands goes straight to my hair to alleviate any frizz.
Saadia Organics- 100% Pure Argan Oil handmade in Essaouira, Morocco
Saadia is the Production Manager of Saadia Organics. She grew up making Argan Oil with her female relatives near Essaouira, Morocco. It was in 2010 that she introduced this miraculous oil to her Canadian daughter-in-law, Joèl.
At the time, Joèl’s eyelids were hot pink, painful, and very dry. She was unable to find a long-term, conventional medical solution. But relief came immediately when Joèl tried the culinary Argan Oil in her kitchen. She then knew she needed to try some cosmetic grade oil. As Saadia is highly suspicious of fake or impure Argan Oil, she insisted on making some herself for her daughter-in-law.
Joèl and Saadia
A few weeks later, Joèl was sitting in her friend Ainslie’s hair salon, listening to Ainslie talk with skepticism about a magical oil from Morocco that was making waves in the hair industry. When Joèl shared her experience of using pure Argan Oil, Ainslie wanted to try it. It took less than 24 hours for Ainslie to fall in love with Argan Oil once she had it in her hands.
Joèl then had her husband call his mother, Saadia, in Morocco to arrange for her and her relatives to produce the oil for the company that now bears her name. And so Saadia Organics was born. Joèl and Ainslie officially put the product on the market in September of 2011.
3) Calendula Super Salve by G. B. Proudfoot’s has been an amazing help this winter. My mother-in-law purchased it from a farmers market in Arizona and gave it to me when I showed her my dry, red hands. Since she also knows how sensitive my skin is, she thought it was perfect for me-and it has been. It was actually also the cure for dry, cracked heels that I thought would take forever to repair. What I love about this product, too, is that the ingredients are so wonderful: extra virgin olive oil, beeswax, jojoba oil, calendula essential oil, lavendar essential oil (some of which are certified organic).
G.B. Proudfoot’s Original Calendula Super Salve
4) 100% Cocoa Butter by Cococare is my answer to dry, chapped lips and an interesting form of aromatherapy since the one and only ingredient is Theobroma Cacao, or Cocoa Butter, and smells like chocolate to me. It’s super-moisturizing on the skin and comes in an easy-to-use tube, much like lipstick (that said, I got one for everyone in my family because you really need your own). At the reasonable price of $1.79 at Sally Beauty stores, it’s hard to pass up.
What are your favorite products to help relieve dry, chapped winter skin?
I love that you found cool remedies from all over the world !
Assalamu alaykum sister! Seems like the terracotta foot scrubber is sold out! And too bad that I don’t live in the US, shipping is a bit too pricy..
@Kari- I’m so glad they’re made available to us here 🙂
@Leyla- perhaps you can ask your nearest Indian market where you can find one?