Le Potager- The French Kitchen Garden
Have you ever dreamed of having your fresh produce and herbs right at your doorstep? It’s been done and done well by not only the French, but many other cultures, for centuries and it’s now seeing a revival across the USA and around the globe, as more and more people are concerned about healthy eating and preserving heirloom varieties of organic produce. People want easy access to fresh organic foods without breaking the bank and it’s possible if you have the desire and motivation to do so. Here are a couple videos I’ve come across that will inspire you to create a garden-big or small- that can be beautiful and functional at the same time.
and a short video on how a potager is arranged…
Are you inspired? What do you plan to do to grow fresh herbs and produce this year?
Great article! I don’t have much land, but I’d like to grow herbs in containers, insha’Allah. I just get discouraged when they don’t do well. 😀