How to Store & Preserve Olive Oil
Olive oil is a staple in my house. I use it for everything from salads to cooking (lightly, not deep frying or anything intense like that). I don’t use one particular brand all the time because I like to try different things, but there is a method I like to use to keep it fresher longer and to make sure that what I’ve bought is actually the real thing. Have you heard about all that olive oil fraud lately?
There is some debate on how to figure out if olive oil is pure and 100% what you think you’re paying for. Some say if the olive solidifies when refrigerated that it’s a pure oil; others, like the folks over at The Olive Oil Times, disagree. They suggest looking for harvest date on the packaging and checking for a seal of certification by the California Olive Oil Council. That may work for domestic oils, but what about the international olive oils? Seems like until there is more transparency in the industry overall, we won’t know for sure. One thing I do know for sure is that pomace oil is a lesser grade olive oil and mostly treated or refined with chemicals. Queen Creek Olive Mill has a good definition list here. Storing Olive Oil I prefer glass storage over anything plastic or metal. It’s less treated with chemicals as plastic is and less reactive than aluminum, which would also affect its taste. When buying olive oil, you can certainly buy it in glass but just make sure it’s either in a dark glass container or purchased from a vendor who stores it away from natural sunlight, which can damage the oil. At home, I move all of my oil purchased in tin containers out of those and into these clear glass bottles that can be found for a reasonable price at places like Marshall’s, TJ Maxx or Home Goods. Because the glass is clear, it needs to be stored away from light. The best place, in my opinion, is in the refrigerator.
I wrote some more interesting things about what I learned about olives during my visit to Queen Creek Olive Mill in Queen Creek, Arizona a few years ago and shared some of those insights in this post.
Do you have any insight to add? I’d love to read what you have to say in the comment section below…
I would like to know which olive oil you use for cooking. I used it for cooking curry, but someone told me not to. now i use Canola oil for curry making, and use olive oil only for salad dressings.
Jazakallah Khair.
wa’alaikum as salaam Maryam,
may I ask what the reason was for advising you not to use olive oil? Perhaps it was for frying at too high of a temperature, which does indeed ruin olive oil. I like grape seed oil for frying (though I prefer light frying whenever I do) because it has a high tolerance for heat and it is among the healthier oils to consume, in my opinion.
Actually, for cooking if use palm oil then that can be injurious to health. You should be careful of using food oil.