
4 Tips to Organize Your Ramadan Cooking

Ramadan is such a great time to get your home organized. Actually, for me all the organization happens way before the month of Ramadan when I begin planning how to plan it all out. Last year, much of what I did to prepare for Ramadan actually lasted for most of the year (i.e. drying citrus peels and saving herbs).

First, I plan the planning. I know Allah swt is the Best of Planners. He also likes us to be organized, clean and efficient, which involves being as prepared as we can and leaving the rest up to Him.

Here’s what I mean:

I take about two hours (time well-invested) to go through food magazines and my family’s favorite recipes to figure out what to include in my menu for the month, making sure the meals are as seasonal as possible and as cool as possible this year since we’re dealing with extremely hot summer temperatures.

Next, I create a day by day Ramadan Menu.

This includes the names of the suhoor (early morning pre-dawn meal), iftar (breaking of the fast meal), soup and meal items for each day of Ramadan, all the way up to ‘Eid (celebration to end the month of fasting).

I put all of this into a Ramadan Calendar.


This includes the names of the suhoor and iftar meals for that day, including leftovers expected. I may have to go back to the menu to adjust here and there, but at least I’ve got a good idea what’ll be on it.

You could repeat the two-week plan to have a full month of meals, or make the entire month full of new ones. The method is the same.

 Next, I make a Grocery List for Ramadan Food Shopping.


This includes things I may already have on hand just so that I’m sure I get everything I need. I also give myself clues as to what recipe each item is for so that I can remind myself when shopping, if needed. Add convenient, healthy and halal options to that list for days when you may not be able to cook or when you have surprise guests at iftar. Saffron Road has frozen entrees that serve as a meal alone and various chicken products that are great to add to the table as appetizers or to rice and dishes that need just a little something extra.

Saffron Road Frozen Entrees in Whole Foods Markets

Next is the part that few people want to do- clean and organize the kitchen. I show you how to do it fast and efficiently in my new book on green cleaning. In the process of cleaning, you’ll be making room in your fridge and freezer for the food items included in your Ramadan Cooking Plan. A clean kitchen makes things go a lot smoother and makes you feel a lot happier to be in it.  

And while you’re cleaning and preparing and don’t have a lot of time to cook, it’ll give you a reason to try the Saffron Road halal entrees if you haven’t done so already.

The Lamb Vindaloo is definitely my favorite- full of flavor, but not crowded with spices

Insha’allah, in an upcoming post I’ll talk about how to get the most out of your freezer this Ramadan. It can be your greatest asset to time management in the kitchen, leaving you more time for what’s really important…

Stay posted and stay in touch. I love to hear your ideas for what helps you get organized for Ramadan. Leave a comment, tip or general feedback below.


More Info

Missed our LIVE FB Chat on Prepping to Cook for Ramadan? I’m having another one on August 4 on Simple Cooking in Ramadan.

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  1. Salam Sister,
    Mashallah, very nice ideas, I would like to suggest you for next year to make cards and posters for the Ramadan Menus and people can but it and send it to friends & relative, the can be empty or designed with you lovely dishes & even more with special recipes which someone was searching for it from a long time… I am voting for your Cooking show from now 🙂 Go Go Go

  2. Salaam alaikum,
    I am not sure I will ever be that organized!
    It seems totally daunting…esp with little ones about and keeping an eye on bigger ones. I noticed you have a soup for every day, a good idea.
    all in all way beyond my level of planning and admittedly I am a wee bit jealous of your over the top homemaking expertise.
    a week might be feasible……….

    1. wa’alaikum as salaam Valerie, I know all of it can seem daunting at first, but in reality just taking two hours to plan makes things so much easier later on. The best part is that you’ll have it again for the next year, insha’allah!

  3. Mashallah, this is a great meal planner. I will try to do something similar insha Allah. Mine may be more simple though. We are light eaters for suhoor!

  4. masha Allah, great ideas! I was also thinking that this week, I would buy myself a month’s worth of meat marinate it and freeze it. For ground meat, form it into patties, kabobs, whatever, and freeze it. Then each day, I just need to pull out my prepared meat, let it defrost during the day, and then throw it on the grill or in the oven and then i just need to worry about healthy side dishes to go with it.

  5. Salaam Alaikum,

    I’m a little slow in my preparing this year… so I didn’t get to read this article until now… but WOOOOOOOOW MASHALLAH your Ramadan meal calendar looks sooooooo good. Can I come over??????? 😀 Sa77a w bishif2

    Ramadan Mubarak,
    Sumaya Um Sara

    1. @Maymunah, wa’alaikum as salaam. Insha’allah I will see what I can do to get a template out. Thanks for asking and for reading the post.

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