An Abundant Antipasto Platter for Your Eid Buffet

If you’re having people over on Eid day, chances are you’re wondering what to put on the buffet for guests. In the hot summer weather, no one wants to be in front of a stove or eat heavy foods, either. Even if you’re doing a barbecue outdoors, chances are plenty of people will be inside munching, too. That’s why I suggest making a really abundant antipasto platter where you can let your guests put together their own mini or regular-size sandwiches. On a platter like this, I would add things like I have on this try starting from right to left: bread or toast, roast beef, corned beef, pastrami, Kalamata olives, Spanish olives with red pepper, small pickled peppers, large/thin pickled peppers, pickles, soft cheese (feta or other), pickled cherry peppers stuffed with cheese, Parmesan cheese slices and capers. You can also add things like roasted peppers, other types of soft cheeses and other types of deli meats like roasted turkey breast. Just be sure to get the nitrite-free halal deli meats, if you can. The only brand I know that fits both categories at the moment is Deli Halal.
On the side you can serve sauces like mayonnaise, mustard, pesto. Once you set it up, your guests are free to make it all according to their own likes and you can refill once the tray gets low.
I like to group each type of food item together, as it looks neater and easier on the eyes (we tend to eat with our eyes first, right?). Long platters are easy to find at places like Home Goods or TJ Maxx for a good price, too. Also, the bigger the platter, the more generous and abundant it looks when filled and you spend less time refilling it, depending on how many guests you have and how hungry they are!
What are you serving for Eid this year? Or are you on the receiving end and doing absolutely no cooking at all?
This recipe is also in my latest cookbook, My Halal Kitchen: Global Recipes, Cooking Tips, Lifestyle Inspiration, which is available on Amazon.