
Honey as an Endangered Food Source

I wrote an extensive article about how important and endangered our honeybees and our honey is to us both historically as well as in today’s world. This article was just published in the new brand new magazine for Muslim women called Jenan, which is beautifully done.

You can subscribe to the magazine online here and find my article on pages 36-40 as well as a recipe for Créme Fraiche, Figs and Honey to make a great use out of the different varieties of honey that I list at the end of the article.

In the meantime, peak your interest in this topic by watching an excerpt from the awesome food documentary, Vanishing of the Bees. It’ll make you ask yourself questions like,“Is my honey the real thing or is it loaded with fake ingredients being passed off as honey?”

Are you worried about our honeybees? What suggestions do you have to bring them back from the brink and help solve the problem of colony collapse disorder?

Keep your own honeybees with a free kit from World of Beekeeping and get any type of beekeeping supplies from Mann Lake, LTD.

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    1. It is indeed sad, but we all have to be educated about it and do something about it, too. I’m so grateful to those who made the documentary, Vanishing of the Bees, because it was very eye-opening, tragic and hopeful at the same time.

  1. SubhanaAllah I always have to fight the urge to tell people “Honey there’s no honey in your “honey”!!”

    I hardly ever used to have, eat or enjoy honey but when I did it was usually the processed stuff until I had the real stuff a few months ago. MashaAllah even the texture and taste is different! Everyone should eat real or “raw” honey and see for themselves.

  2. Support Urban beekeeping 😉 We got plenty of idling roof tops in the city. Make full use of them.

    Sadly, some states/counties need to get it legalized 1st. Boohoo……

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