Food Styling for a Halal Ad Campaign by IFANCA

I can’t tell you all how excited I am to finally be able to talk about this- my first time professionally styling food for a TV commercial! It was many months ago that I prepped the food and made it look pretty for the camera, but our lips were sealed until IFANCA, the Islamic Food & Nutrition Council of America, was ready to unveil a 30-second public service announcement for their halal-certification organization.
It took a lot of time to develop a menu that was camera-friendly, shop for ingredients with vibrant color, and of course, to put it all together in an absolutely perfect way.
I worked closely with Maria Omar, Director of Media Relations for IFANCA, who was the primary organizer for the commercial. She was easy to work with, a perfectionist about the details and pulled it through with grace and class. And she didn’t mind me snatching these photos of the food in between my meticulous prepping and plating. The halal turkey breast sandwich was the most fun to shoot.
Below is a YouTube video of the ad where you can get a sneak peek of it before it actually airs on various television channels. Insha’allah, not only will it serve to promote IFANCA as a leader in the halal-certification industry, but also offer more awareness about halal as a mainstream term that can be more readily understood, or at least, familiar to everyone.
What do you think of the video? Add your comments, suggestions and feedback here. I’ll gladly share them with IFANCA.
Excellent article! IFANCA is doing some very good work by promoting halal in the North American market. The organziation is at the forfront of halal certification, community education, and making major in-roads with the global food industry. As a Mulsim and Halal Consumer, I feel proud of the work IFANCA has done.
Fantastic! this is great. No question about it.
Very well written article, an outstanding coverage by you of the work IFANCA has done for this Ad and educating Muslim consumers about Halal. I hope we see more of this kind of articles and clippings in future.
Oh yeah!! July 10th baby!! Right?? I remember because you were busy that day and Hanifah had to change when she arrived to Sara’s for the hennah party the day before my Nikah. You ladies did a great job. I love the food pictures Yvonne~You threw down!
MashAllah! How exciting! Keep it up. I always love the food pics on this site.
WOW!!! I am sooo proud of you. Great JOB!!!! Can’t wait to see a halal symbol on products, way to go IFANCA!!!!
MAY Allah (swt) help you on every step of your success , you go girl !!!
you must read this before you eat chips :
Food Articles – Chips may be very harmful to your health