
Sprinjene Kids Halal Toothpaste

Sprinjene is giving away one of each of their three kids toothpastes, all of which are certified-halal and free of any gluten or animal products. They come in three delicious varieties: watermelon, apple-mint and vanilla. 

What I love about them is what they don’t have: no preservatives, dyes, artificial sweeteners or that harsh “SLS” or sodium lauryl sulfate. 

Each of these products is also available to purchase here.  

Are your kids fussy about toothpaste flavors? Do you have a hard time getting them to brush regularly? Are you confused about what’s in other toothpaste products on the market now?

Let us know in the comments below.  

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    1. Hi there! We hope that you try it and your twin girls love it. Watermelon and Vanilla are our most popular flavors for kids.

  1. I would love to have Halal toothpaste option which do not have added SLS and Sugar for my 3 year old. Also the packaging is Kool and my lil one will love it

    1. Thank you for the kind words! Hope your 3 year old loves the toothpaste. Don’t forget to pick up an adult version for yourself!

  2. Halal products are always better. Trying to keep everything halal and this toothpaste is a great addition to this. Great for my girls. Jajak Allah khairan.

  3. I would love to get it for my daughter. I think she would be happy to get it. The packaging is beautiful and interesting. The most important it’s halal and natural

    1. Hi Elvedina, we hope that your daughter loves it. We also have 4 SprinJene Natural® toothpastes for adults on My Halal Market, in case you want to scoop some up for yourself. Happy Brushing!

  4. I would love to try this product because my daughter hate how regular toothpaste burns her mouth and I would really prefer for her to use toothpaste that doesn’t have fluoride in it.

  5. I love that they are halal and free of all the things that are harmful in kids toothpastes. I would love to try these flavors for my children. I have been using this toothpaste for myself for 2 years, but they’re not a fan of the tastes of the regular versions. These would be perfect. JazakAllah khair.

    1. Hi Jennifer, we hope that our SprinJene Natural® kids toothpastes will be a better fit for your kids and that they love the flavors. We’d be eager to hear your feedback once you try them.

      Happy brushing!

  6. My daughter has a great condition so dental health is paramount. Additionally, she has a severe reaction to artificial dyes tonthe point where she reads labels and rejects all manner of treats that have numbered colors. We are a halal only home; I was eleated to See this article today!

  7. I would love to try this for one of my sons who is sensitive to some of the regular toothpaste ingredients and also not a fan of the minty flavors.

  8. I would love to try this for many reasons! Firstly because of its halal certification, and also because its fluoride free and free of nasty chemicals that I am trying to avoidnfoe my whole family.

  9. i would love to try this toothpaste ! i honestly don’t know what they put in those super sweetened toothpaste marketed towards kids. I’ve been looking forever for a natural toothpaste that has a great flavor!

  10. We would love to win because we have hope that this toothpaste will help our children because the others aren’t halal and are slowly killing my children. 😉

  11. Hi, I would like to use the Blackseed oil with zinc toothpaste for kids.I have heard a lot about the benefits of black seeds and bringing them in a toothpaste form is a great effort.

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