Easy Appetizer: Egg Salad and Baby Shrimp on Toast

If you’ve already got egg salad on hand, this is a super quick appetizer to prepare. If not, here’s my recipe for a healthy and quick egg salad to get you started.
This appetizer came about on a day when I was busy working, unprepared to cook and not feeling well enough to put out a spread of my usual fan fare for guests. One look at my cabinet and I found canned baby shrimp and Hawaiian Pink Salt by this ‘great’ company called Great Salts (more on them later). One look at my refrigerator and I found a freshly homemade egg salad, some Persian cucumbers, and multi-grain bread.
My brain immediately went scanning for information to put together a simple, pleasing appetizer that would go well with a refreshing drink or simple tea for my guests. I thought of finger food on top of toast or crackers. I would cut the bread into fours and bake it until toasty and then top it with my ingredients on hand, piling them one by one for a pretty as well as flavorful appetizer.
Egg Salad & Baby Shrimp on Toast
6 pieces multi-grain bread
1 small Persian cucumber, thinly sliced
1-1/2 cups egg salad
1 can baby shrimp
a few pinches pink salt, such as Alaea Hawaiian Sea Salt or any pink Himalayan salt
- Preheat oven to 325°.
- With kitchen shears, cut bread into four equal pieces. Place in heated oven for 15 minutes or until nicely toasted.
- On a serving platter, line up toasts evenly. Layer each piece with two slices of cucumber, topped with a dollup of the egg salad. Add a few baby shrimp on top of the eggs and finish with a couple sprinkles of the salt.
- Keep refrigerated until serving.
Great Salts sells lovely and unique salts such as Celtic, Himalayan, Hawaiian and smoked salts. You have to visit their website to grasp all the varieties they sell and the possibilities for utilization in cooking. I particularly love pink salts and finishing salts, for which the Alaea Hawaiian Sea Salt was perfect in this dish, though technically doesn’t fit into either category. It was simply a great finisher for the top of the appetizer but also added a beautiful, complementary color as well as a crunchy texture to the bite-sized treat.
I also have the Sel Gris de Guérande (Celtic Grey Sea Salt), which I use in every day cooking and the Black Truffle Salt, which I use sparingly for really special dishes.
Overall, their prices are quite reasonable, particularly for the high quality and very cute jars they come in (I’ll be saving mine long after the salt is gone). I wouldn’t normally be such a fan of mail-order foods or condiments, but I have to say this is one item I just may have to replenish, insha’allah. There’s just no comparison I’ve seen in the salt world yet, and my interest is peaked in all the other varieties they have available.
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great article, just stumbled onto this blog and looks good so far
We’re very flattered by your writeup and glad you enjoyed our product. Your recipe looks delicious!
This is so tempting actually! I think this post made me hungry and at the same time hungry to make some tonight! Thanks for sharing this recipe! The food itself looks nutritious and yummy! My wife will love this!
i actually tried this recipe but this time instead i added shredded carrots. it made the food more appetizing. the carrot’s gave it more color together with the pinkish shrimp.
Stumbled upon your blog and this is EXACTLY what I was looking for to finish the rest of the shrimp in my refrigerator! THANKS!!! I can’t wait to make it! 🙂