
Creme Fraiche, Figs and Honey

Honey is one of my absolute favorite food and health items.  I don’t consider it as just a food, but also a medicine and a beauty product. Whenever I have an upset stomach, I take a heaping tablespoon of honey and normally feel the stomach ache disappear. To soften my skin, I make my own honey facials. In baking, I use it as a sweetener. Sometimes, I simply crave it for what it is and have recently been exploring new varieties of honey and other bee products.

I’m very interested in the state of our honeybees today in relation to colony collapse disorder we’ve been seeing for the past several years. I was incredibly moved by a conversation I had with an Amish farmer who told me last summer that there was no Ohio honey because the bees were just gone. They had to get their honey from somewhere in Michigan and even then, they didn’t have much. Without our bees to pollinate the flowers that give us fruits and vegetables to feed us and our livestock, we no longer have a viable source of food. It reminds me of the many references in the Qur’an and ahadith (sayings of Prophet Muhammad, peace be on him) to the importance of honey and the bees themselves.

‘Honey is a remedy for every illness and the Qur’an is a remedy for all illness of the mind, therefore I recommend to you both remedies, the Qur’an and honey.’ (Bukhari)

I’m happy to learn about beekeepers and purveyors of honey, such as Grampa’s honey in Colorado and Nutra B in Niagara Falls, NY.

Grampa’s Honey (shown in the photo above) sent me four wonderful, generous size bottles of their varied honey flavors. On the plate you may be able to see light honey and darker honey and even a thicker, deeper white colored one. I’ve been fortunate enough to try their clover honey, seasonal honey, white honey, and tamarisk honey. Each has its own distinctive flavor and will go well with different fruits and different recipes, but all are delicious in their own right. Experiment with each one- you may have never tried honey like this before. 

Nutra B is a company owned by the only known Muslim beekeepers in North America. I’m currently trying out their Bee Pollen in Honey. In general, bee pollen, has been known for thousands of years to have many health benefits. It’s not the only product they sell, so a scan of their website is a good way to see all of the other products they offer.

I decided to begin my expirimentation of Grampa’s Honey when I found beautiful fresh figs and had a nice fresh batch of homemeade creme fraiche and homemade citrus peels on hand.

This dish of Creme Fraiche, Figs & Honey is a great way to start the day for breakfast or even as a light dessert. There’s no need to label it- just make it when you’ve got the freshest fruits of the season. I might even substitute fresh apricots or peaches for the figs. Whatever is seasonal, fresh and on-hand is best.

Serves 2



  1. Prepare the creme fraiche and citrus peels if making your own.
  2. Wash and dry the figs. Cut into quarters.
  3. On a plate or platter, dollup the creme fraiche alongside the fig quarters. Drizzle the creme fraiche with honey and citrus peels on top.
  4. Serve at room temperature with small forks for dipping.

Related Posts

How to Make Your Own Creme Fraiche

How to Preserve Your Own Citrus Peels

Lemon-Lime Granita

About Citrus Zest

Honey & Lemon Face Lift

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  1. Salamu `alaikum,

    I love, love, LOVE this blog. Thank you sooooooooooooo much. Do I hear of any books coming out soon inshAllah, inshAllah!!!!

    Creme Fraiche, Figs & Honey yummy! Although it’s a desert but it’s the kind of thing i’d like to have for breakfast, lol.

    As a full time student, I’ve always wanted to eat something healthy in the morning before heading off to uni, do you have any tips? I usually end up with a snack and coffee on the way and feel guilty about not eating something ‘proper’. Something delicious and easy to make, in about…4 or 5 mins.

    1. @Grant- I’m still enjoying your wonderful honey and trying to spread the word about it. It really is some of the most delicious, unique flavors of honey I’ve ever had. Thank you again!

  2. Hello, i am throwing a part and wanted to make Fresh Figs with Lemon-Scented Mascarpone & Honey, but fresh figs are out of season can you give me suggestions on which fresh fruit i can substitute the fresh figs with to go well with the Lemon-Scented Mascarpone & Honey. Thank You!

    1. Susan, it depends where you live. Can you tell me that and I will give you an idea of what is seasonal/local to your region?

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