
No-Bake Chocolate Terrine

A terrine is something that has been baked or prepared in a loaf pan. Most commonly known for meat dishes, terrines (a French term) can also be chocolate desserts. I love this recipe for its simplicity and versatility. It’s quick to make and the goodies inserted into the middle can be substituted with just about anything you like or have readily on hand.

horizontal terrine

turbinado and peanuts

;aljf;Terrine-Making Process over the Double Broiler

Cooking over the double broiler is the only cooking this recipe requires. After assembly, the loaf will be refrigerated so that it sets, or hardens a bit before serving.

Bottom Pan for Double Broiler and Making Chocolate Terrine

Get the water boiling ahead of time in a pot that’s large enough to hold the bottom of your stainless steel bowl securely. The bowl should not wobble over the top or it’ll be too hard to control.

Inside stainless steel bowl with chocolate

Place the chocolate bar directly in the stainless steel bowl, without any water or anything else in the bowl.

add stainless steel bowl to bottom pan


add chocolate to stainless steel bowl

whisk the chocolate
pour batter into loaf pan


fill loaf pan with chocolate;ajk;ajf

flip over when refrigerated


terrine up close

Finished Terrine with Coconut, Almonds and Dried Fruit

Don’t be intimidated by cooking the chocolate over a double broiler. If you don’t have one, just use a pot with water in the bottom and a larger pot that fits over the top and made of aluminum or stainless steel to hold the heat and handle the temperature while still ‘cooking’ the ingredients.

Vegetarian-based Chocolate Cookies

Once the chocolate is melted with the egg, sugar and coconut oil, half of it will be spread into the bottom of the terrine pan, or loaf pan. Next you can add any type of ingredients you like. Cookies will give it a bit of crunch, as will nuts. Dried fruit and coconut flakes add a nice flavor, but aren’t necessary at all.  The other half of the melted chocolate is layered on top.


Spreading Chocolate over the Middle Mixture

chocolate terrine cut

The terrine is then refrigerated until it hardens. I’ve found that the longer it’s refrigerated the more chance it has of cracking when slicing, so I like to refrigerate it for not more than three hours.  Once you’re ready to serve you can turn the pan over and give it some time to come to room temperature before coaxing it out of the pan, or you can warm the bottom of the pan with some hot water to coax it out. Doing so too fast will also cause the terrine to crack and break, so be sure to bring it out gently.

Chocolate Terrine


  • 500 grams dark baking chocolate
  • 250 grams extra virgin coconut oil
  • 2 eggs
  • 2 tablespoons raw cane sugar
  • Dried fruits and nuts
  • Broken cookies
  • Coconut flakes


Melt chocolate over a double broiler.

Carefully and quickly add in the eggs and sugar.  Beat immediately with a wire whisk to avoid scrambling the eggs.  Next, add the coconut oil. Blend in well.

In a well-oiled loaf pan (or one lined with parchment paper) add ½ of the melted chocolate mixture.

Layer the dried fruit, nuts, cookies and coconut. Pour the other half of the chocolate mixture on top.

Place in the refrigerator for about two-three hours. Turn over to remove from pan and slice thinly with a non-serrated knife before serving.

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  1. I simply love chocolate stuffs. Looks it’s no hard recipe, can be tried at home. I wish I could make this taste like yours 🙂 .

    This is gonna be another add in my chocolate stuffs.

    Thanks for sharing

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