
Why You Should Have a Refrigerator or Freezer Thermometer

Did you ever open your refrigerator to see that the milk has gone bad or that the soup from last night’s dinner is completely frozen? If yes, then that’s when you know you need a refrigerator thermometer. Maintaining the right temperature is imperative when preserving food items and keeping your family safe from eating spoiled foods.  

A thermometer can help you monitor the temperature of the refrigerator and help keep minimize waste. It also helps you see if the refrigerator is working properly or not. This is a tool that can be used both in a household and commercial setting, and it really is a must-have for anyone that uses a refrigerator for anything perishable.


The one pictured above is from Gordon Food Service (GFS). 


Although this particular thermometer does not have the capability,  there are some that review the range of the temperature over a period of time. Your refrigerator should maintain a temperature between 34°F and 40°F, while your freezer’s temperature should be between -10 to -20°F. This will allow foods to retain their freshness longer and help you to know for sure when something is going wrong. Use it in your freezer, too. 

Do you use a thermometer in your fridge or freezer? If so, how has it helped? 

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