
Baked Pita Chips

Baked Pita | My Halal Kitchen

If you’re having a party this ‘Eid (or any time), you’ll definitely want to make your own pita chips instead of buying them- they’re that easy {and quick} to make and are hearty enough to scoop up hummus or your favorite chip dip.

now you have pita chips

Baked Pita Chips- homemade and healthy  

Start out with fresh pita bread (it also comes in whole wheat).

Pita Bread in Bag

You can use 2 whole loaves to make a ton of chips because you’ll cut this whole loaf into triangles and then divide each triangle in half, too.

whole pita

Cut each loaf with scissors to make eight triangles

pita triangles

If the bread hasn’t been refrigerated, it won’t stick together, which is great because you want to easily be able to divide each piece in half.
hollow pita

Then, you’ll get two pieces from each triangle, like this:

break in half

Isn’t that great?

going to lay them flat

Next, place them on a baking sheet or pan (I have these huge round ones from the Middle Eastern stores which are perfect for all this pita, but you can use two cookie sheets just as well).

put in baking pan

Bake at 375º F for about 10-12 minutes and they’re great. You can flip them over to see a little golden brown on the back. They should be a bit crispy, of course.

should be browned

Let them cool a few minutes before handling and simply place them in a serving dish around all the scoopable dishes (i.e. hummus, baba ghanooj, spinach dip, guacamole, and more).

Pita Chips with Hummus

Now, wasn’t that easy?

Baked Pita Chips

Serves 10-12


2 whole loaves fresh pita bread (at room temperature)


Preheat the oven to 375º F.

Using scissors, cut each loaf into eight triangles.

Then cut each piece again at the bottom edge to get two pieces from each triangle.

Place each piece onto an ungreased baking sheet and bake for 10-12 minutes, or until each piece is nicely browned on one side and crispy.

Remove from heat and let cool before handling.

Serve alongside your favorite dips.

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  1. Thanks, Yvonne! You’ve now given me the courage to try this w/ tortilla chips – something I’ve been wanting to do for ages. I get multigrain tortillas @ Trader Joe’s & those will be perfect.

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