I’ve been gifted a few things recently that I love so much and really want to share with all of you. They make great gifts because not only are they cute and clever, they’re useful and beneficial, too.
Microfiber Dish Cloths. These no-name dish cloths are not only so incredibly cute in color and pattern, they’re awesome to use. They’re super absorbent, quick to dry and you can just throw them in the wash to reuse them over and over again. At four in a pack, each cloth is 12 in. x 12 in. (30 cm x 30 cm) in size. Available at various
Marc’s Stores.
Papua Coffee. I love this alkalizing, detoxifying, organic Papua new Guinea Arabica coffee that I was introduced to by the Dervaes family at their urban homestead when I visited them last month in Pasadena, CA. They sell this coffee on their urban farm porch stand that they get from a local vendor. I purchased the whole bean medium dark roast variety, but you can also get it ground and in medium roast forms. This is quickly becoming one of my favorite coffees.
Chip Clips. These chip clips are so cute, especially if you love the natural or rustic look hanging off your snack bag. They’re also pretty sturdy as they’re made of wood.
Chip Clips by
Natural Life are sold in Beachcliff shops in Rocky River, Ohio or online at
Garden Sac™ produce bags. These produce bags are my very latest find that I discovered at
Whole Foods Market in Palatine, IL but I’m sure they sell them in other locations. I’ve been looking for eco-friendly and reasonably priced bags for quite a while and finally found them at the great price of $4.99 for two. Each bag ‘expands to hold about a dozen medium-sized oranges or apples’ and the ‘tare weight can be deducted at the register.’
Garden Sac™ produce bags by
Eco-Sac™ can be found at
Whole Foods stores.
Shaklee Get Clean™ Scour Off™ Heavy Duty Paste. If there’s one product that has made my entire week, it’s this one. I accidentallyused a lot more than I needed to clean some items in my kitchen so I used the remainder to scrub the inside of my oven, including the speckled glass, grates, sides of the interior and the grates on the stovetop. To my absolute amazement, the sticky grease came off immediately. I still had to use some elbow grease, but the only reason I got tired doing it was because I kept going until I finished most of my oven. Incredible product that didn’t bother my sensitive hands, masha’allah. Non-toxic and phospate-free. I love the smell, too.
Get Clean™
Scour Off™
Heavy Duty Paste by Shaklee. Sold online at
www.shaklee.com or through local distributors.
Enjoy this list and let me know what you like from it, what you’ve used before and what your favorite products are. I always love to get you feedback and comments.
Gifts are always adorable whether they r big or small……loved those clips….liked that kundan work on them and Eco friendly bags are what catching my attention…..
@Lubna- yes, the handiwork on the clips are really unique and everything here would make great gifts 🙂